Delaware Agriculture
From the very beginning, Delaware’s prime location has been a critical factor in the growth of its agricultural industry. Today, agriculture is one of the most successful sectors of the U.S. economy in terms of productivity growth, and a driving force behind Delaware’s economy. Farming is still a family business in Delaware: About 90 percent of farms are either sole or family proprietorships or family-owned corporations. Just under 40 percent of the state’s land is devoted to agricultural production, making it the predominant land use
For more information, please view the following links:
cp99010.pdf ( 2017 Census Profile
cp10003.pdf ( New Castle
cpd10000.pdf ( Race, Gender Profiles (no data on two groups
Delaware Grants and Loans Programs
The Delaware Department of Agriculture provides financial assistance, grants, and loans for a variety of projects and activities, including:
Farmland Preservation Assistance
The Department of Agriculture administers the Aglands Preservation Program where landowners can voluntarily sell the development rights for their farm through a permanent conservation easement.
The Department also administers the Young Farmers Loan Program which helps young farmers acquire farmland through a long-term, no-interest loan.
First State Food System Program
The Delaware Council on Farm & Food Policy is accepting applications beginning April 19 through June 19, 2023. It will accept applications from entities that grow, process, store, transport, distribute, or sell food in Delaware. These funds will enable local entities to address challenges and stabilize, strengthen, and build resilience in our food system. A well-functioning food supply chain moves Delaware-grown food products from farmland and indoor grow sites to market outlets, households, and consumers. Apply online through the DCF Application Portal.
Forestry Assistance
Urban Forestry Grants: The Delaware Forest Service (DFS) offers grants annually to communities and civic associations throughout the state for tree planting and management projects on publicly owned lands. These communities must match these grants with nonfederal funds and/or in-kind services (volunteer time, staff time, etc.).
Forest Landowner Cost Share Program: This Program provides cost-share assistance to landowners for a variety of forest management activities, including reforestation, prescribed fire, herbicide application, and pre-commercial thinning administered by the Delaware Forest Service, in cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Nutrient Management Assistance
Nutrient Management Plan Cost-Share Assistance Program provides cost-shares for farmers to develop nutrient management plans to meet the regulations of Delaware’s Nutrient Management law.
Nutrient Management Relocation Program provides funding to help transport excess manure to alternative-use projects or farms needing nutrients.
Poultry House Demolition Assistance Program
The Poultry House Demolition Assistance Program accepts applications from March 28 to May 1, 2023. The program provides cost-share assistance to remove old poultry houses past their useful life.
DDA will reimburse the poultry house owner 50% of the actual costs for remediation, up to a maximum of $10,000 per house. Before approval, DDA Nutrient Management staff will perform a site visit to verify houses to be removed and discuss the need to manage residual litter or nutrients. Funding will be reserved for approved applications to give applicants time to complete the removals.
Once the Poultry House Demolition Assistance Program Application Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader is completed, it can be emailed to, mailed to DDA (2320 S. DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901), or faxed to (302) 697-6287. Anyone receiving funding from the Delaware Department of Agriculture must complete a W-9 form online before approval.
Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety Block Grant Program
The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) will be distributing $199,600 in relief funds through the Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety (SPRS) Block Grant Program to eligible Delaware seafood processors, dealers, and processing vessels who were financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. DDA can issue relief funds to eligible seafood processing facilities and processing vessels, including at-sea processors or dealers, who incurred expenses between January 27, 2020, and December 31, 2021. The grant is intended to defray expenses associated with preparing for, preventing exposure to, and responding to COVID-19, including workplace safety measures, market pivots, retrofitting facilities, transportation, worker housing, and medical costs.
All applications and supporting documents must be postmarked on or before November 30, 2023, or received electronically by DDA by November 30, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant
The Department’s Marketing section manages the Specialty Crop Block Grant to enhance the competitiveness of Delaware’s specialty crop industry through research, education and/or marketing. The law defines specialty crops as “fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and horticulture, and nursery crops, including floriculture.”
What Do I Need to Know to Receive Funds?
Always check the requirements of the program for which you are applying. If you receive funding from the Delaware Department of Agriculture, applicants must complete a W-9 form online ( before receiving payment.